Welcome Spring!
We hope everyone had a wonderful spring break! The month of March flew by and it's hard to believe we are almost in April. Here's a recap of the past few weeks!
In early March we enjoyed sharing our study of magnets at Celebration of Science. The children helped create a board displaying their pictures and ideas about magnets, and they were proud to share their discoveries with others. We visited Celebration of Science during the school day and we all enjoyed seeing projects from friends, families, and classmates! Here is a picture of Artin, Anjali, and George sharing their project about things that glow in the dark.
Early March also brought Dr. Seuss' birthday! We celebrated by learning more about Dr. Theodore Geisel - aka Dr Seuss - and reading many of his fun stories. We learned that he wrote the book The Cat in the Hat to encourage young children to read more. Kindergartners had fun creating their own fun "Cat in the Hat" hats to wear around the classroom as we celebrated in style. Erin Ryan from Scott House came over to read us her favorite Dr Seuss book, The Foot Book. She helped the children learn which feet were right and which were left as they stomped along to the story!
Our geometry unit continued throughout the month of March as we studied both 2-D and 3-D shapes. In the classroom, the children used a variety of materials such as Geoblocks, cubes, Pattern Blocks, Pentominoes, and Tangrams to create designs and patterns and to explore symmetry. After learning the names of 3-D shapes such as triangular prism and sphere, we went outside on a shape hunt! The children took clipboards and tally sheets as they walked around campus. They found many examples of 3-D shapes in the buildings, on the outdoor furniture, and in nature. The children enjoyed this so much that they eagerly took home another tally sheet for "homework" so they could look for 3-D shapes in their homes.
Life Skills - Connected and Respected
In Life Skills we have been talking about "strong listening". We first talked about the word "strong" and how it can mean different things. When we are talking about "strong listening", we are referring to using our best listening skills and paying good attention to who is talking. The Kindergarten classes made a list of what strong listening looks like. Ideas included making eye contact, sitting still, focusing on what the other person is saying, and keeping our own thoughts to ourselves (not interrupting). The children have been practicing strong listening throughout the day and are learning to recognize when they are being strong listeners and when others are listening to them!
Curriculum Highlights
Language Arts - Reading Horizons letter sounds and slides with /v/, /w/, /y/, and short vowel /u/, reviewing punctuation, reviewing Most Common Words, focusing on small moments in stories, "seed" stories, publication and sharing of our work.
Math - Geometry - 2 and 3 dimensional shapes, going on a campus shape hunt, building with different shapes, KB - addition games with Zoe
Science - finishing up our project on magnets, Celebration of Science, looking for signs of spring
Social Studies - Our Friend project, Guara Vani assembly, 2nd grade play